Category Archives: Food

Long Term Food Storage Methods

Today we have many options for long term food storage, as long as all of our appliances are operating properly. There are several techniques used to preserve fresh foods for extended periods of time under normal conditions, including freezing, canning, dehydrating, and freeze-drying.


Archaeologists have found evidence that man started freezing meats thousands of years ago. At first, freezing was only possible during winter months in temperate climates.

Before electricity became common in homes, there was the ice box in the city and the dairy in the country. Dairies were basically underground rooms where temperatures were cooler.

Ice boxes varied in design, but they made use of large blocks of ice to keep milk, dairy products and other foods from spoiling. The first refrigerators were not that different from the iceboxes.

Deep freezers became popular in the 1950s for several reasons. Concerns over previous wars and poor relationships with foreign countries were among them; people were motivated to have extra food on hand “just in case.”

Practically all foods can be frozen. Although the taste can be negatively affected in some cases, the foods are safe to eat for months. It is a common practice among hunters to store wild game in the freezer during the hunting season and use it throughout the year.


Canning became popular for long term food storage with the invention of the pressure cooker. Hot baths can be used if no pressure cooker is available, but the cans are less likely to seal.

Canning is typically used for fruits, vegetables, soups and sauces. The foods can be prepared as they would be if they were to be eaten that day. Green beans and other fresh vegetables will cook in the pressure cooker.

The foods are placed in glass jars. The lids used to seal the jars are special. They have a rubber seal around the edge. A metal ring holds them in place until the falling temperature causes a vacuum seal.

Canned foods are ideal for long term food storage, because there is no need for refrigeration. The foods keep for years, rather than months. When the jar is opened, they are ready to eat.


Drying foods to preserve them is not a new idea. Native populations dried strips of meat in the sun or over open fires to make jerky. The appliances available for drying foods at home are relatively new.

Dehydrators are easy to use, affordable appliances. Most include instructions or recipes for dehydrating a variety of foods. Fruits, vegetables, herbs and meats can all be prepared for future use if you have a good dehydrator.

Buying Freeze-Dried Foods

Instead of attempting to prepare foods for long-term storage at home, you can buy freeze-dried items. It is not practical to freeze dry your own foods as the necessary equipment is large and expensive.

Freeze-dried foods have a nearly unlimited shelf-life. The package should indicate the expiration or use-by date. The foods do not spoil after that date, but the flavor may be compromised.

Freeze-dried foods are popular for long term food storage, because they take up less space and require no refrigeration. You can store them in your pantry along with canned goods for emergencies, and they are also a good choice for hiking and camping trips due to their light weight.

Three Solutions To Deal With Your Food Prejudice

Have you noticed that you think or feel negatively about certain dishes or food items, and do not consume them at all or only unwillingly? You could be having a food prejudice. What can you do about it?

1. Alternative Methods of Food Preparation

One effective way to deal with a food prejudice is to try alternative ways of preparing the food item. For example, if one has developed an intense dislike of pumpkin because, as a child, one was forced to eat it boiled, it may be a good idea to try pumpkin as a soup. A creamy pumpkin soup, with a dollop of cream in it, garnished with herb oil and barbecued shrimp or prawn, is an altogether different affair from boiled pumpkin.

Similarly, while boiled broccoli and spinach may make one gag, gently steamed young broccoli massaged with a dab of butter, or spinach dressed with some onion, enough oil and a bit of cream may change one’s mind. In like manner, cooked red beetroot is for many practically inedible, but delicious when served raw as a crunchy salad.

The technique of alternative food preparation methods works very well to correct food prejudices that arise out of lack of familiarity with a certain dish or food item, such as when one makes the acquiantance of such a food later in life, or experiences an unfortunate introduction.

2. Professional Help

Sometimes, a food trauma may persist as part of a traumatic childhood experience. For example, the particular dish may have been served as something painful or unpleasant happened. Strong negative associations will have developed, connecting the food item or dish to the negative event. It may be helpful to seek professional help to explore the negative events in detail.

For example, many soldiers who have been present at attacks where fellow humans died by burning develop an aversion to meat, especially barbecued meat, because it reminds them of these painful events. In this case, only a trauma therapy conducted by a trained therapist can begin to address all the issues involved.

3. Increase Social Contact

Food prejudice is at its worst when it is a continuation of deeper social prejudices against a particular group of people. Prejudice dies a natural death when one increases contact with the despised group of people. Without fail, one will discover aspects to their culture which are acceptable, and even admirable.

For example, even if one despises snails and frog legs, there are numerous aspects of French cuisine that can be enjoyed. Similarly, even if one despises people who eat with their fingers, all such cultures usually display unparalleled hospitality and friendliness to all visitors and strangers.

There will always be foods that do not necessarily appeal to us. But we can make sure it is a matter of mere taste, and not a matter of prejudice.